Sunday, December 1, 2013

thanksgiving 2013

Full of praise and thanksgiving
Full because the sun has provided the love of life
Which shines off the smooth contour of our skin
And glistens brightly turning teeth to pearly whites
Full because in each relationship we find peace and hope
An everlasting peace that comes from undying faith
And a hope only found in a deep passion for others
Full because each day we wake a new person with new potentials
A new person to take on the ever changing world
And the potential to mold that world as a ball of clay into the world we wish to see.
Full because love has provided us the opportunity to sing,
To dance, to play, to run, to jump, to create, to imagine, to be free,
To learn, to share, to wonder, to wander, to be in awe, and to be happy.
Full because we know that thanks can be given and received.
Give thanks for you have been provided a chance to live incredibly.
Receive thanks because you are incredible and you deserve it.

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