Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why Do I Coach? (Part 1)

I want to be somebody to someone. When I stop living for others and start living for myself, my life will loose its purpose and meaning. No day is complete until you can do something for someone without expecting anything in return. It is more important to give life than to live life, but you give life by the way you live life.

I want to give my life through sport not to sport. I want to give my life to coaching so that through my life I can give others the education that I received through doing what I love most, playing sports. Sport has taught me that nothing can be attained until you first lose something. No championship is won until each and every player on a team loses their pride for the good of the team. No progress is made unless one loses their time and effort to growth. Love cannot manifest until one loses their heart to the people and things that they want most. I want to lose myself for the purpose of others.

To lose myself I must give myself, or I must be stolen away. I will not allow myself to be stolen by the things of this world such as material things, money, drugs or pride. These things can come as a thief to steal your soul. I give myself fully so that I may not be stolen away. In this way I can lose myself for the things that will make the world a better place, instead of being lost to those things which are destroying it. These things which I will give my being to include integrity, truth, passion, love, industry, and peace.

As Marianne Williamson said, “as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same.” As I give to others I give others the example to do the same. As the light of my love shines on all, so all can love in the same way. As people see the joy and happiness that giving brings me they will consciously or unconsciously do the same. This is how modeling is done. This is how to be somebody to someone.

As a coach I am a role model to those I coach but also everybody I come in contact on a day to day basis. This is a large responsibility but one that I am willing to die for, one that I am willing to give my whole being to. Though my success will be measured by wins and losses, my life will be measured by how the world has changed because of my presence. If I live my life to change the world I will win the ultimate crown, and that will make me a success. That success will be the satisfaction in knowing that my mind is clear because I gave you all and that my heart is full because you were perfect.  

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